- New Party Meeting planned for Saturday, June 25, 2022. Time and venue to be determined. This is a requirement to regain ballot access.
- GPNM National Meeting, July 22-July 24, on line. Register at https://www.gp.org/2022_anm
- Reminder that GPAMA meets locally the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p. m.
GPUS Press Releases
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Chaco Canyon
The deadline is today(!) to send in public comments regarding the Chaco Culture National Historical Park Area Withdrawal
The Bureau of Land Management proposes to withdraw ~350,000 acres surrounding the site from extractive activities for the next 20 years. This is an effort to protect this World Heritage Site and also may help steer the path forward regarding sustainable energy development.
The direct e-mail address for comments is: BLM_NM_FM_CCNHP_Area_Withdrawal_Comments@blm.gov