We are sad to report that Susann McCarthy, long-time Green and peace and water activist, passed away in January 2024. Susann devoted many hours to the Green Party and was a delegate to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention in 2020. Rest in peace, power, and paradise.
Say, “No!” to Fracking Water Rule Change
This week, May 13-17, 2024, is the public hearing on proposed rules changes for the allowable uses of produced water, i. e., the poisoned water from fracking operations, in New Mexico. The Water Quality Control Commission is taking oral public comment during selected times. Sign up to speak or submit written comments by e-mail: pamela.jones@env.nm.gov. You may also try 505-660-4305 to get information. Location is New Mexico State Capitol, ¿Room 317 or Room 321? (different venues published by the state), 411 S. Capitol Street, Santa Fe.
Webcast: https://nmed-oit.webex.com/nmed-oit/j.php?MTID=me5f46b2f4f68d125f91be833cebefe78
Meeting Number: 2632 974 3200, Password: 5VvVH678gmP
Telephone: +1-415-655-0001 US Toll, Access Code: 2632 974 3200
CONVENTION call-in, log-in INFO
2024 GPNM Annual Mtg/Conv
Saturday, May 4 · 14:00 – 16:00
Time zone: America/Denver
Dial-in number: (412) 924-7145
Access code: 684826
Instructions: At the scheduled date and time, dial in to the conference. When prompted, enter the access code followed by pound or hash (#). To join the video and screen sharing session, click the online meeting link.
Online meeting link: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/greenpartyofnm
Online meeting ID: greenpartyofnm
To join the video and screen sharing session, click the online meeting link.