Tom Wakely for U. S. Senate

Tom Wakely, a Deming Green, is running for U. S. Senate.  Tom is a long-time peace activist, willing to ask hard questions of the major parties, and challenge the corporate duopoly.  Please sign the electronic petition if you are a registered voter in New Mexico. After voter verification, select by office (U. S. Senate), party (Green), or candidate (Thomas John Wakely).

It is a huge task to get minor party and independent candidates on the ballot in New Mexico.  You can further help by sharing the link as widely as you can to registered voters in New Mexico:


25 Years of WIPP

March 26, 1999 is the date that the first shipment of transuranic waste was delivered to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico. Instead of beginning the closure of the pilot plant, the Department of Energy wants to keep it open and expand it over the coming decades.Learn more history and what is being done to stop the expansion of nuclear waste storage in New Mexico from these groups: Los Alamos Study Group, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Stop Forever WIPP.