Join the Green Party of Taos County for our Annual Convention to be held virtually. Registered Green Party members are encouraged to attend.
If you are registered Green Party voter please email info@greenparty.org to receive login information for the virtual meeting. Meeting starts 2 PM on March 20, 2021 ending at 4 PM.
Green Party of Taos has a Facebook page too!
Officers will be nominated and voted for:
- Co-chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Members can serve on committees and be a part of the steering committee, plus bring any other business to be discussed.
You must be a registered voter in Taos, NM to vote in any of the convention activities.
Green Party of Taos County has been meeting regularly since November 2016. All registered members are encouraged to attend these regular steering committee meetings. Hope to see you there!
The Green Party of New Mexico has notified GPTC that as a result of filing notice with the Taos County Clerk on February 2, 2017, the Taos County Green Party Local is recognized by the Green Party of New Mexico.
GPTC has been meeting regularly since November 2016. All registered Green Party members are encouraged to attend these regular steering committee meetings.