The Art of Sustainable Community Agriculture

with Micah Roseberry

November 18, 2017
3 to 5 PM
Cultural Energy
112 Civic Plaza Drive
Taos, NM 87571 [map]

Ecological Wisdom

Join in a conversation of how to build on the strengths we have and expand capacity for community sustainability.

Micah Roseberry, co founder of the Taos Country Day Waldorf School and Cerro Vista Farm, has been teaching and farming in Taos County for 30 years. Her current projects, Farmhouse Café and Bakery and the local, organic School Lunch Program combine these experiences to serve local, organic food to Taos students, create a market for area farmers, and build the local farming network to increase local food production and preserve our water rights. The School Supported Agriculture model is a way to increase our local food resilience, grow our local economy, preserve our agricultural heritage and invest in the health of our future generations. Join in a conversation of how to build on the strengths we have and expand capacity for community sustainability.

Maximum 25 participants

Please RSVP Susann at 575.758.4035 to reserve your place

Hosted by the Green Party of Taos County

Ecological Wisdom is one of Ten Key Values of the Green Party
A $5 donation will help to support this and future events

2 Replies to “The Art of Sustainable Community Agriculture”

  1. This is a test of the comment section. I am looking forward to attending the GPTC hosted Public Forum on the Art of Sustainable Agriculture, but still need to RSVP.

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